️ Ques : What is the Date Today ? (आज कितनी तारीख है)

️Ans : 1) it is 6th of the month.
2) It is 6th August today.
3) It is 6th today.

️ Pay Bill - बिल का भुगतान करना

️ fill the form - फॉर्म भरना

️ know them Inside Out - रग रग को जान लेना

️ Soil - मैला करना (Make something Dirty)

️ build the House - घर बनाना

️ Time Left / Effect Left - Has / Have ( Present Perfect )

️ When Time is no more/ Effect is no more - Did (Past Indefinite)

️ Last Qualification - Has / Have

️ Previous Qualification - Did

️ "Monkey Sees, Monkey Does."