️ it sounds ridiculous - рдХिрд╕ी рдЪीрдЬ рдХा рд╣ाрд╕्рдпाрд╕्рдкрдж рдпा рднрдж्рджा рд▓рдЧрдиा
Ans : As a rule I do not take liquor but you know yesterday I went to a party it was a boozy party. I have already told you that I do not take liquor. I took dinner and I set off for my house while I was coming outside somebody caught my hand and I turned back what i saw he was none other than my college friend as soon as he saw me he said long time no see where were you. I said yes it is long time no see I met you. after that he was taking liquor he finished his peg and he made a peg for me and said take liquor I told him that I do not take lika but he didn't listen to me he forced me that you have to take liquor I asked what is the duress. He said you either take liquor or Break friendship with me. I said ok if it is the condition then break the friendship. we got apart. after sometime I got busy with somebody else. I heard my name Ajay everybody were present in the party was looking upward it was three storey building my friend was on the 3rd floor and he was shouting from there and he was totally intoxicated he said either you take liquor or I jump from here then I said not to jump because he was the sole breadwinner of his family finally I took a glass of liquor.